Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Squidoo Lens About GCFN Has Been Locked

Hello faithful readers, and fellow GCFN victims. I am sorry to report that Squidoo has decided that my lens (formerly at was locked just before Thanksgiving and will be deleted in a few days.

What Happened?

On Nov 24, Squidoo sent me a computer-generated email that cryptically claimed my lens was violating their Terms of Service and other Policies, but admitted it might have been a mistake, and that I could write in for a "human" review of my case. An appeals process, as it were. Here is their original email text:

Dear Squidoo lensmaster:

It looks like your Squidoo lens is violating some of our founding principles and Terms of Service. Lenses like this tend to get locked by the community, for any number of reasons.

In particular, your account has one or more lenses on some of our SquidDon't topics. It's simple: given our pedigree, our point of view and our dyed-in-the-wool, we-will-never-change-our-mind conviction on this issue, spam is not okay at Squidoo. Some topics are just so irresistible to spammers that we don't allow them, even for the good guys.

You can read up on our policies here:

As a result, we've put the lens on probation and marked it for deletion within the next 30 days.

If you believe you're getting this note in error, and that your lens should be exempt from our SquidDon't policies as outlined above, then you may request a review of your case by doing the following steps.

1. Forward this email, to locked(at), within 7 days.
2. Include a written explanation of why you believe your lens is not violating our Terms of Service or the policies above.
3. Include the link to the lens that's been locked
4. Acknowledge that you have indeed read the policies above.

If we get a review request that doesn't contain the information we've asked for, we won't be able to consider it.

(Don't reply to this email, it won't reach us. Thanks.)


The SquidTeam

So I wrote in to their "locked lens" department and requested a manual review. Naive on my part, I should have paid more attention to the "even the good guys" phrase in the top of their email. As I explained:

Dear SquidTeam,
I was most dismayed to see this lens of mine was locked today:
This lens has been up since 2007!

My lens is not violating the TOS. I provide and fair and rational expose of a less-than-reputable company (Global Cash Flow Network). I would offer that this lens is the definition of an ANTI-spam lens that ultimately shows people just what a rip-off GCFN is (yet doing so in a good-natured and upbeat way!).

I have given the lens a scrub, to make sure I don't have too many outbound links to one domain and to be sure I'm not "overly advertising" anything. The fact is, I am anti-advertising. Please see the many comments...this lens has saved many people the heartache and cost of signing up with GCFN by warning them!

I request a manual review of my lens to unlock it.

** I have read the multiple pages of squiddont, squidspam, tos, etc etc. I have studied all 6 links. My best guess is that my lens was locked due to an overabundance of links to the GCFN domain due to the July policy change, which I have now attempted to correct.

Please restore my lens! If you find there actually is some problem I have overlooked, I would appreciate your human assessment so I can fix it.
Unfortunately, Squidoo! didn't see things my way. They must have decided they just don't want any mention of "disreputable" companies like Global Cash Flow Network on Squidoo (I can understand that). They are hypersensitive!!

Their response was polite. In their beneficence, I am allowed to keep my other lenses (on unrelated topics), but my GCFN blog remains abhorrent to the Squidoo gods and will be eradicated in a few days. As they explained:

Thanks for writing in.

There are topics we're just not going to let people write about. We wish we didn't have to do that, but it's the best plan available to remove the bad actors that want to take advantage, while keeping the site open for passionate people of all stripes. We're happy to let these topics exist elsewhere, but not on Squidoo.

It's simple: given our pedigree, our point of view and our dyed-in-the-wool, we-will-never-change-our-mind conviction on this issue, spam is not okay at Squidoo. Some people disagree, and we're ok with that. Some topics are just so irresistible to spammers that we don't allow them, even for the good guys.

You can read up on our policies here:

We've looked at your lens(es) again, and considered what you've shared with us in your note.

Alas, our original decision stands. Your lens(es) are violating our Squidoo TOS and policies, and as such will remain locked from view, and will be deleted in a few days.

But there's good news, too! It's actually really easy to create successful content on Squidoo. Just make useful, authentic, unique pages, don't scam or spam or steal or trick. Play hard and play fair and no one gets hurt.

Best of luck with any future lenses,

The SquidTeam
OK, so at this point, I am giving up on the lens. But I am confused. Which "Squiddon't" topic did I violate?


Looking at the squidoo page, I see the following list of no-no's:

  • "spambait" -- There are topics we're just not going to let people write about. We wish we didn't have to do that, but it's the best plan available to remove the bad actors that want to take advantage, while keeping the site open for passionate people of all stripes.
Umm, ok. So what are these topics? Does GCFN qualify?
  • miracle cures & pharmaceutical sales (nope)
  • weight loss and dieting (nope)
  • gambling (negative)
  • illegal downloads (no sir)
  • credit card debt, cash gifting, envelope stuffing, mortgages, currency trading, Forex, Regenesis, etc. (no)
  • hate lenses (no)
  • ringtones (no)
  • illegal adult material (no!!!)
  • copyrighted lyrics (nope)
  • promotion of illegal activities (no way)
  • promotion of unhealthy activities (no)
  • affiliate lenses promoting other affiliate programs (YES, ok, should have seen it right away...that's what GCFN is...but I would hardly call what I was doing "promoting")
I can only assume Squidoo considers GCFN a "spambait" topic under the "affiliate" clause... Even though I was never really promoting GCFN (at least not if you actually read what happened to me!!)

If you ask me, Squidoo is over-reacting here. I was not promoting GCFN. I was doing a public service, sharing exactly the process and what happened in the process of me getting ripped off. All without at any point calling anyone bad names or otherwise pointing fingers. The reader can decide ... was I a lazy idiot who failed to do well with a good program, or is GCFN a rip-off ? ... (the answer was always obvious).

As far as I know, most of the people who land on this blog got here through the Squidoo lens. So without that lens, I am expecting little or no new traffic here (which means GCFN should no longer have to worry about my story on the web hurting sales)

Anyway, I'm past GCFN, and have never really gotten too excited about using Squidoo! either.

Time to move on!

This blog, hopefully, won't get blocked any time soon. Though these days, I don't know what to expect.

Yours Truly,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Must See Affiliate Classroom Trial for $1

The long anticipated Affiliate Classroom 2.0 from Anik Singal and his team at Lurn is now here!

As I mentioned in my last post, Anik is a good and honest guy. His company, Lurn, is recognized as one of the biggest players in affiliate training, and they do not rip people off!

I just joined last night, and my hopes were confirmed. Affiliate Classroom 2.0 has everything a person needs…there's real training, plus VALUABLE tools, and (after you've been a member for ten days) they give you access to a whole forum/community of other people to ask questions and get help! As I've found, it’s not just information that puts you in the money-zone… tools can make or break you.

Want to know another thing that makes Affiliate Classroom 2.0 so different from GCFN? They don’t make you scramble to find the tools that really deliver. After all, the right tools give you massive leverage.

Sure, some other affiliate training ebooks recommend tools. But the problem is… you need a SUITE of tools. Not only that, you need PROVEN tools.

Affiliate Classroom really goes above and beyond any other training system for affiliate marketing. And you can try it for 10 days for just a buck ($1)!


You can try out the course for $1 and you’ll soon have ALL these tools worth $180 per month!

1. Little Tracked Link

2. Site Rank

3. Traffic Tracker

4. Google Match Type Tool

5. Key Phrase Multiplier

6. Long Tail Keyword Generator

7. AdWords Ad Writing Tool

8. Typo Generator

9. Geo Keyword Generator

10. PPC ROI Calculator

11. Keyword List Cleaner

12. Datalocker


Get these tools now!

Over 50% of their students reported a 23% Increase in Their Business!

Look, this program is designed to help you get up and running as fast – and as easily – as possible. Every detail is calculated and nothing is left to chance.

Make this the best $1 you’ve ever spent today!

Try Affiliate Classroom right now for $1!

See you there! (Note: After 10 days, if you want to stay a member, it costs something like $97 per month. Compared to GCFN this is a GREAT deal. I've already looked over the Affiliate Classroom and have decided I'm going to stay a member!!)

- KB

Friday, July 31, 2009

Better Ways To Make Money Online than GCFN

Several comments since my last post have asked me to recommend internet marketing training programs that are good values. I've spend a lot of money over the past several years (most of it with nothing to show for it but losses) but recently I've found a few programs that have actually made me some money.

I'm by no means a "guru" and am not making oodles of money online. So I'm not necessarily someone you can learn from directly. But I do tell it like it is!!

So I'd like to suggest that you check out some really great information currently being offered for free by Anik Singal. He is co-owner of a company called Lurn, Inc. that specializes in on-line training and mentoring related to affiliate marketing.

I've met Anik personally...
I met Anik at an internet marketing conference, and can vouch for his sincerity (I spoke to him for about 30 seconds, but it was a good 30 seconds...). He really cares that his students are learning the training material and are making money!

I've also subscribed to some of Lurn, Inc.'s resources this past year and found them to be top notch. They are not free...but, compared to GCFN, they are a bargain: I'm paying $97 per month right now for one service from would take me 50+ months, or more than 4 years studying on the Lurn stuff to equal what I dropped in one day on GCFN!! So Anik's stuff is a steal by comparison!

The technology Anik and his company uses to train students is absolutely top notch. They take you through educational modules for each topic, provide videos in almost every lesson that explain details, then provide a test after each module so you can see if you've really retained the material. It is fantastic!

Affiliate Classroom is opening August 11
Right now, a program called "Affiliate Classroom" is being opened to the public for a limited time by Anik and his buddies. Only a limited number of people will be able to subscribe.

It may not be right for you. But if you go to THIS LINK, you can get a great - free - PDF file with a bunch of great ideas on how to promote affiliate offers online. It will also give you an idea of whether or not this Affiliate Classroom program can help you or not.

I highly recommend you check out AFFILIATE CLASSROOM before it sells out. They are giving away some really valuable content right now for free...GCFN charges an arm and a leg for info that isn't even this good!

Monday, June 1, 2009

GCFN In Review...A Year After Leaving The Program

Hi folks. It's been over a year since the last time I posted anything about my story. I think I owe you all an update.

What I Think of GCFN
First of all, GCFN is a legitimate company. They sell a legitimate product, for what it is worth. However, their products are sold at a highly inflated price relative to other products available on the market. Their prices are way too high for the value they provide to the buyer.

That said, by reviewing their sales process you can learn a great deal about how to be successful with internet marketing by building a "sales funnel." The only thing I'd change is to provide more value for the prices they charge.

Now as far as value of the training...I never participated in Dan Kushell's mentoring program, so I can't say if his program is a good value or not...I'm still waiting for someone out there to post their success (or sob story) about Dan Kushell's program. For all I know, Mr. Kushell's program is excellent.

The Ultimate Traffic System really does come with some good training material that you won't otherwise receive with the basic package. However, as I is exorbitantly overpriced relative to other courses you can find elsewhere on the internet.

While I do not consider GCFN to be a "scam", they are overpriced...way way WAY overpriced!!

I Got My Refund
Around May or June 2008 I completed the CMPS checklist for the program, and after 4 or 5 phone calls, received a refund for my initial cost for the CMPS program ($500 or whatever it was...I don't even remember now). However, I never received a CMPS certificate in spite of their promise to do so. (Believe it or not, I really did want that certificate!!)

So they did keep their word on the money-back guarantee. I just had to be persistent to play phone tag and keep trying to get in touch with the right person. (Of course, it is also possible that my success in achieving high page rank on Google led them to pay extra attention to's hard for me to really know.)

I did NOT get my money back for the Ultimate Traffic System (which cost me thousands). There was no money-back guarantee on that. Their guarantee was to run my "guaranteed traffic" again when I initially failed to achieve the promised return on my investment. And they did run it again. So they honored their guarantees and kept their word about that.

Return on Investment?

Talking of return on investment, however, this program was a net loss for me. I made back less than half of my initial investment. (I lost thousands of dollars on this program).

So if you have already bought the program, as I have said before - view it as a learning opportunity, not a way to make fast money. Take what you learn from this as the first step in a journey. Don't give up...but be more careful in selecting programs to purchase in the future.

From what I can tell, it takes 2 years or more of trying, failing, and trying some more before the average person will be capable of making a profit online. It's a matter of studying and learning from a lot of different sources to figure out what will work for you. Persistence is the key.

I also recommend you take what GCFN teaches and apply it OUTSIDE of GCFN by setting up your own blogs and "Linked In" and "Squidoo" pages with Ebay and Amazon and other links to try and build a list in a specific niche. You'll need some kind of autoresponder to build a list...but listbuilding is a critical element to making money online.

Bottom line: If you rely only on the sites GCFN gives you, you are probably not going to make your money back. (Their stock pages are terrible at converting sales for you!)

The Best Thing About GCFN
Did I learn from the program? Yes! In fact, I found Joshua Shafran's monthly newsletter to be the best thing that ever happened to me with respect to GCFN. From his newsletter, I was introduced to PPC and CPA affiliate marketing which I am now pursuing with high hopes of actually making a profit... Since last year I have invested a lot in other training (stuff that has nothing to do with GCFN).

Joshua's content is very good and I highly recommend him for newbies. If you just keep up with his stuff for a year, you'll learn a lot. That said, I no longer subscribe to his newsletter.... I've got too many other bills and have moved on to other sources of internet marketing information.

I try to be positive about GCFN, to the greatest degree possible. Why? Because being negative isn't going to help me make more money (it just gets me depressed).

Do I regret joining GCFN? A little. I lost a lot of money on it in 2007/2008. But I view it as a learning experience and have moved on, and plan to be successful in 2009/2010 and beyond.

Question for Reader Input!
If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to post some links to resources I recommend for learning how to make money online (things that are a better value than GCFN). Just submit a comment if you'd like me to do that...and please be patient.

Thanks for reading!