Friday, July 31, 2009

Better Ways To Make Money Online than GCFN

Several comments since my last post have asked me to recommend internet marketing training programs that are good values. I've spend a lot of money over the past several years (most of it with nothing to show for it but losses) but recently I've found a few programs that have actually made me some money.

I'm by no means a "guru" and am not making oodles of money online. So I'm not necessarily someone you can learn from directly. But I do tell it like it is!!

So I'd like to suggest that you check out some really great information currently being offered for free by Anik Singal. He is co-owner of a company called Lurn, Inc. that specializes in on-line training and mentoring related to affiliate marketing.

I've met Anik personally...
I met Anik at an internet marketing conference, and can vouch for his sincerity (I spoke to him for about 30 seconds, but it was a good 30 seconds...). He really cares that his students are learning the training material and are making money!

I've also subscribed to some of Lurn, Inc.'s resources this past year and found them to be top notch. They are not free...but, compared to GCFN, they are a bargain: I'm paying $97 per month right now for one service from would take me 50+ months, or more than 4 years studying on the Lurn stuff to equal what I dropped in one day on GCFN!! So Anik's stuff is a steal by comparison!

The technology Anik and his company uses to train students is absolutely top notch. They take you through educational modules for each topic, provide videos in almost every lesson that explain details, then provide a test after each module so you can see if you've really retained the material. It is fantastic!

Affiliate Classroom is opening August 11
Right now, a program called "Affiliate Classroom" is being opened to the public for a limited time by Anik and his buddies. Only a limited number of people will be able to subscribe.

It may not be right for you. But if you go to THIS LINK, you can get a great - free - PDF file with a bunch of great ideas on how to promote affiliate offers online. It will also give you an idea of whether or not this Affiliate Classroom program can help you or not.

I highly recommend you check out AFFILIATE CLASSROOM before it sells out. They are giving away some really valuable content right now for free...GCFN charges an arm and a leg for info that isn't even this good!