I was stunned. Amazed! Overjoyed!!!
I just got a check in the mail today from the GCFN for $639!
Here's the photo!
This brings my total earnings so far to $849.
My main concern now isn't whether I can make money, it is how to track WHAT is making me money. Their system for telling me where the money is being earned (and which advertising is bringing in the buyers) is pretty poor.
I suspect it was the postcards and possibly some of the web advertising I've been doing - mostly free advertising on the web with Link exchanges (Topsurfer and TrafficSwarm mainly) - as well as free classified ads. Of course there is this blog, but until now I don't think this was doing ANY sort of good sales job! And only last week I submitted an article to ezinearticles. I plan on doing more of that soon, and possibly a press release and advertisement in a magazine soon.
But I may never know which advertising yielded this income. They really need to do something about that though! Not knowing where your good prospects are coming from is a crazy way to do business. How do I know where to continue focusing my efforts? As it is, I just have to keep doing everything, and try to make this happen more often.
Anyway, I just sent out 250 more postcards that Mary Gersten's CMPS program sent me a few weeks ago. So I am hopeful that more big checks will be coming my way in the weeks ahead!!
Only about $4151 more left to earn before I break even. :)
I am really getting enthusiastic about this program now!
Hi, my name is dmbunny. I joined GCFN in late August, and like you spent around $5,000. I have received one check for $10 and one for $50, which I was pretty excited about as you can see if you read my blog.I received a call from one of the media placement people on Friday, and they asked if I had received another check for $50, of which I hadn't. She said that they would get it out to me ASAP. I was pretty excited about that too. I guess I get excited over small amounts. I really would like to build a 6 figure business in time. I have done many classifieds, 2 press releases, created signatures on my emails,mailed out my first 500 post cards on Monday and am ready to do a few articles. I am just concentrating on completing the check list before I get into the other massive trainings, although I have done some of the faster webmaster. I just got an email last week about the list builder, of which I am anxious to start. It's all kind of mind boggling and a lot to read and digest. Too many emails that I don't have time to read if I'm going to take action on any money making activities. Ya know, you can spend all your time reading and training, but if no action is taken, there will be no money. I haven't even begun to read the black binder yet. I have read all of the white binder. I've gotten more regular visitors than co-op visitors and, like you, I have no idea where these visitors were generated from. I have not had any referrals in my back office. I asked tech support to create a thank you page for me last week and that hasn't been done yet. I don't know the first thing about creating my own thank you page. It's probably not that hard, but I just don't know how. I really need to break even on this. I was hoping to double my current income on this venture with the guaranteed visitors of which I purchased a total of 15,000. My current income really isn't that much,so I don't think asking to double it is asking too much from the program. Like you, I am learning an incredible amount about marketing and media that I had no idea before. I am interested in keeping in touch,sharing our progress together, if you are, and sharing tips and new ideas with you. You can find me at www.workathome-dmbunny.blogspot.com.
Well it doesn't quite add up to me. You have paid $5000 to promote the very same thing you paid so dearly for. You are PAYING them to buy into an opportunity to SELL OTHER PEOPLE THE SAME THING! There are literally thousands of excellent products you can promote as an affiliate for FREE. They don't require a "registration fee" or some such nonsense. Why should they? You are promoting their (legitimate)product with a REAL market demand and making them money! Isn't the success of any business endeavor primarily based on effective, profitable MARKETING? "Media Placement" is meaningless without a killer marketing message. Ever heard of Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, Michael Fortin? Study them and you will learn the underpinnings of successful product and business promotion.
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