1) How To Master the Art of Making a Fortune as An Affiliate Marketer
(Dan Kuschell eBook included in CMPS White Binder)
Explains all the basics required to become a profitable online Affiliate Marketer. This includes finding affiliate programs, generating traffic, and using autoresponders. Great introductory material.
2) Discover the Amazing Secrets to Become a "Millionaire From Scratch"
(Audio teleseminar featuring Dan Kuschell and Joshua Shafran. CD & transcript included in CMPS White Binder)
A one-hour discussion of how these two gurus would build a million-dollar business if they had to start over with absolutely no resources.3) How to Make Money with MySpace
(Jonathan Mizel and Joe Alexander, two-hour audio course. Provided to me by Media coach)
Somewhat dated content, but it is useful and relevant to any use of "Web 2.0" site for marketing purposes.

(Provided by email)
Classic book by Wallace D. Wattles on mindset and a "scientific" review of how successful people became rich. This book takes a slightly different perspective compared to Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, but is from a similar philosophy of personal growth.5) The Faster WebMaster
(online study course by Erik Stafford)
Goes into great detail on how to set up a marketing website. It includes step-by-step tutorial videos. A really great program, that I can use to develop my own independent marketing websites!5) How To Build Your List, audio course/workshop
(6-week audio course by Joel Christopher aka "Mr. Listbuilder")
This has something like 15+ hours of audio content, and includes workbooks with homework you complete each week. It covers step-by-step how to generate a loyal email marketing list. This includes techniques to generate content for your autoresponder or eZine.
This is an intensive course, and is totally awesome. I don't say that lightly. I am learning tons of great stuff from this course. I'm only on week 3 (of 6) right now.

(Compiled by Mary Gersten, ?and staff?)
A 118-page eBook summarizing all the latest techniques to generate a massive email subscriber list using "co-registration lead" techniques.7) A Champion in the Making
(eBook by Dan Kuschell)
An inspirational and motivational book on how to achieve success in your life. It is 123 pages long and looks like it also exists as a softcover published book. It is available for free by going to Dan Kuschell's website (achampionvision.com)8) 5 Actions to Explode Your Income
(eBook by Dan Kuschell)
A 24-page pamphlet on "five simple steps to attract abundance."9) Grow Rich While You Sleep
(by Ben Sweetland)
A 1962 classic on how to use your "Creative Mind" while you sleep to turn a negative mindset around and "get whatever you want out of life."
Overall, I admit I am very impressed by the range of materials that have been provided to me as a "CMPS student" in the program.
It puts a lot of pressure on me to really study these materials and put them into practice...which I admit I haven't been doing as enthusiastically as I should.
I'm especially wary of the "spooky" positive thinking stuff that is contained in several of the eBooks I've listed above. I haven't read most of them yet, except for The Science of Getting Rich which I thought was pretty good.
For the record, I've also read Think and Grow Rich, which I thought contained a grain of truth buried under a mound of hype and hogwash. I'll have to explain why I say that in a post another day.
Many of these materials were sent to me simultaneously by a Media Coach, which overwhelmed me for a while. As I review all of these and begin to put their techniques into practice, I may post some tips here on what to do first if you are in the CMPS program, and how to prioritize your time in studying all these courses.
I'm now taking these courses on, one bite at a time. Hopefully this will turn into more checks in my mailbox soon.