Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Training I've Received From the CMPS Program

I have to admit, now that I'm about 8 weeks into Mary Gersten's "Certified Media Placement Specialist" (CMPS) program, I honestly feel like I've gotten a lot for my money.

[The money I have in mind here is the ~$600 I've paid for enrolling in CMPS...half of which I should get refunded within a year once I complete the required checklist of activities. I'm still undecided about the thousands I've invested in the GCFN "guaranteed traffic program" which is "guaranteed" to make money or they re-run my traffic campaign. The advertising cost a bundle...but is not subject to a money-back guarantee, just a "make money or we run it again for you again for free" guarantee.]

The courses and eBooks they have sent me have covered a wide range of advertising and marketing (aka "media placement") techniques for both offline and online use.

So, at last, here is a complete list (as of August 28) of the training topics covered as part of the Certified Media Placement Specialist Program so far. I am led to believe other trainings and e-courses will be provided to me in the future as part of the program.

Frankly, I am already overwhelmed by the content they have given me, and haven't had time to review all of it yet!

Topics covered by CMPS Training & Mentoring materials:
  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. Writing Press Releases and Informative Articles in order to drive traffic to your websites
  3. Email List building
  4. Building a money-making website
  5. Social Web 2.0 Marketing (MySpace course)
  6. Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click advertising
  7. Making money with Google Adsense
  8. Blogging & RSS Feeds for profit
  9. Direct mail/postcard marketing techniques
  10. Advertising with classified ads (short catchy calls to action)
  11. Using Banner Ads
  12. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) basics
As I put the above list together, even I was amazed at what I've been learning so far.

Nearly every aspect of online marketing and driving traffic to websites is covered in some way. The one notable absence is a tutorial on copywriting, though I am led to believe a course on that will be sent to me at a later stage of my program.

In my next post, I'll list the specific courses and ebooks I've received as a CMPS Student so far.

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