Happy for any excuse to get away from the taxes for a while, I walk over to my home office and pick up and I hear this woman's voice say hello and my name. Her voice sounds so familiar. Then she introduces herself and I am shocked to realize...
It is Mary Gersten Herself Live on My Phone!
It was Mary Gersten, the VP of Global Cash Flow Network. SHE actually CALLED me, one on one, in person - live! This is amazing, because she's nearly impossible to reach normally.
You can hear her voice on my main CMPS splash page where it says "Hit Play For A Special Message." It was her voice!
I could hardly believe my ears, and was sort of in shock for the first few minutes as she started talking to me about why she was calling.
She was very polite, by the way. And yes, she knows my real name, since they have my records & everything based on my website address. (I just like to maintain a little privacy on the web, that's why I write under my nickname of Koala Bear)
Why Is Mary Gersten Calling the Little Ol' Koala Bear?
Well, apparently, my blog (and my Squidoo page, GCFN - My True Story) are high profile on the internet (when you search for GCFN or CMPS) and they've noticed my blog and actually read and follow my posts.
Based on some of my recent post, Mary wanted to "clear up" some "misconceptions" I have about the Ultimate Traffic System/Guaranteed Traffic Program. She also wanted to make sure I got my latest referral bonus commission check for $208.
Yes, Another Check. $208. Here's the photo!

So anyway, she basically called to explain some of the things I didn't understand about the Ultimate Traffic System, and let me know about recent upgrades that have become available since I first signed up with GCFN last year. And she let me ask a few questions. She said she only had a short time to talk before she had to get to another meeting, and we only talked for a short time. I asked her two questions (one about what happens when someone doesn't get the Ultimate Traffic System, and another about why they don't have a way to track your results...I would have asked more but I couldn't think of anything, I was sort of shocked I was actually talking to her like this).
The "TRUTH" About The Ultimate Traffic System (UTS)
One of the first things Mary Gersten wanted to explain to me was that they've made some changes to how they "sell" the Ultimate Traffic System (UTS). When I signed up, the Level I coaches "overemphasized" the "guaranteed traffic" aspect of the system.
But, according to Mary Gersten, the "guaranteed traffic" isn't the main point of the system. The UTS is really an added training package (on top of the $300 basic CMPS training package) that comes with extra bonus trainings and the "black binder" of information that helps you learn how to generate massive traffic yourself on the web.
My take: Mary's explanation made a lot of sense. She was sincere and trying to help clear up any confusion I've had (and that I am spreading via this blog...) I've felt for a while that this whole CMPS thing is great as a LEARNING EXPERIENCE and TRAINING COURSE, but the conversion rate of those guaranteed visitors to buyers was a percent or less. And that's basically what Mary was telling me. The real value of the Ultimate Traffic System isn't intended to be in the thousands of visitors they will give me, but rather in the extensive training provided about generating your own targeted traffic.
You have to remember, this is a "certification" program, not a "make money fast" program.
Apparently, the ONLY way to get the special training about generating massive web traffic for your business is by ordering the Ultimate Traffic System.
IF you don't get the UTS, you won't receive the black binder or get access to a several of the online "surprise" bonuses.
I knew you wouldn't get the black binder if you didn't get the Ultimate Traffic System, but I didn't realize that some of the best "unannounced" bonus internet marketing courses that I've been studying only come to you if you sign up for the Ultimate Traffic System. Those "unannounced bonuses" are among the most beneficial things I've been studying as a CMPS student!
UTS Delivers Double Commissions
Regular students who sign up for the CMPS program but don't get the UTS will only receive a 10% commission. Mary told me that when a CMPS student also signs up for the UTS, they actually receive a 20% commission on every referral. I've actually been getting 20% commissions, not 10%. This is the only way to get a 20% referral commission as a CMPS student.
Obviously signing up for the UTS can make a big different to your earnings.
Other Interesting Program Improvements: Improved Tracking Option
Among the recent changes and upgrades to the CMPS program since I first signed up is an ability to have multiple phone number extensions to allow you to track your results against different types of advertising methods. I plan to get that upgrade, and will let you know more about it in future posts.
The reason they don't have a more straightforward tracking mechanism (like what Clickbank.com uses) is that the phone number and extension are on all your advertising...so if you just used a web "tag" or "cookie" type of tracking system, you wouldn't really be capturing all the responses to your ads. Many people call in before signing up, and there's no easy way to track where people got the phone number and extension when they call in.
But by offering this upgrade where you get multiple phone extensions, you can actually target specific advertising to specific phone extensions, and in that way you'll track nearly everything.
It's not perfect, but it sounds sufficient for what I'm looking for. And it's a massive improvement over not knowing ANYTHING about which traffic is converting (which is where I am now without this upgrade).
Radio and TV Advertising Too?
Mary also mentioned something about their including TV and Radio ads as part of the program now, for Ultimate Traffic System buyers. That sounded really cool, though she didn't explain it in any detail. Hopefully I'll get a chance to learn more about it. If/when I do, I'll let you know.
That's all I have time to write tonight. But it's been a really interesting night!
I just received a call from the ranch over there in AZ and it did seem pretty good.
They told me that you would get back your initial investment of $300 to $500 after you complete the 14 Step Training.
Did you get back your investment? Is your initial investment included in the $951? Do they provide you a detailed statement or anything with the checks?
So, I am also interested in whether you ever made your money back, they called me today.
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